How Cultivera Helps Businesses Save Time & Money

how does cultivera help businesses save time and money

With prices down, supply chains disrupted, legislation stalling, and investors tightening their proverbial wallets, it can be easy to feel a sense of doom in the cannabis industry right now. How do Cultivera software solutions help businesses save?
Here are a few ways that Cultivera’s software solutions save operators time and money.

Seed-to-Sale Vs. Track-&-Trace

teal rectangle with black icons representing seed-to-sale track-and-trace traceability

In our industry, you may hear the terms “seed-to-sale,” “traceability,” and “track-and-trace” used interchangeably. But while the terms are similar, they refer to two distinct system types. In this article we’ll explore what both seed-to-sale and traceability involve, the differences between them, and why each is important.

Three Steps to Metrc Success

dark teal filtered photo of a hand using a keyboard and mouse, overlaid with the green metrc logo

For many legal cannabis Producers, Processors, and Distributors in existing Metrc states, compliance can take hours of extra work every week. Working with incredible enterprises over the years, the team at Cultivera has learned a lot about this widely-used traceability system, and are here to help you on your way to Metrc success.


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