Marketplace Momentum : Constellation
When it came time for business software, Constellation chose Cultivera early on. The team at Constellation went live on Cultivera PRO within their first year, looking for streamlined sales solutions.
When it came time for business software, Constellation chose Cultivera early on. The team at Constellation went live on Cultivera PRO within their first year, looking for streamlined sales solutions.
Cultivera features Washington Producer/Processor Agro Couture and their many incredible brands.
Finding business software that fits your needs can make or break success. In this article we clarify how seed-to-sale software makes traceability/track-and-trace compliance easier for business operators.
In our industry, you may hear the terms “seed-to-sale,” “traceability,” and “track-and-trace” used interchangeably. But while the terms are similar, they refer to two distinct system types. In this article we’ll explore what both seed-to-sale and traceability involve, the differences between them, and why each is important.
Traceability is a critical part of the legal cannabis industry in any regulated market. But what does it actually mean, and how does it affect your licensed operation?
In the regulated cannabis industry, you hear the term “seed-to-sale” a lot. But what does it mean? “Seed-to-sale” refers to the entire life and sales cycle of a cannabis plant or product. From seed planting to harvest time, on through production, processing, sales, fulfillment, and stocked shelves and all the way till the final consumer sale.
For inspiration on how your operation can increase the visibility, access, and traffic to your B2B web portal, here are three ways the most successful operations promote their Cultivera Market portal to existing and potential buyers,
For many legal cannabis Producers, Processors, and Distributors in existing Metrc states, compliance can take hours of extra work every week. Working with incredible enterprises over the years, the team at Cultivera has learned a lot about this widely-used traceability system, and are here to help you on your way to Metrc success.
Part two of our introduction to the Marijuana Enforcement Tracking Reporting Compliance [“Metrc”] system: what it is; what it has to do with business operations; and how Cultivera serves Metrc users with full vertical integration and support.
Part one in our introduction to metrc series, answering critical questions cannabis operators have about Metrc: What is Metrc? What do the letters in Metrc stand for? How does Metrc work? Why does it matter?