Metrc Tags Fact Sheet
An easy-to-share pdf introduction to one of the most common pain points in the legal cannabis industry: Metrc traceability tags.
An easy-to-share pdf introduction to one of the most common pain points in the legal cannabis industry: Metrc traceability tags.
Metrc Tags are a key part of staying legally compliant in Metrc-partnered state markets. But what are Metrc tags, what do they look like, and what are they for? In this article we break down these critical traceability tags.
How Does Cultivera Sync with Metrc? Part of our Business Q&A series, addressing common questions our customers have about the Cultivera Ecosystem (Pro, Market, & POS).
Over the last few years, many states, like Maine, Oklahoma, and West Virginia, have announced plans to adopt Metrc as their official state cannabis industry traceability system. We’re happy to reassure our diverse network of clients and partners that we are ready to help in these transitions.