Fun fact: Cultivera Pro clients that utilize and promote their online B2B portal on the Cultivera Market consistently see incredible results. From increased order quantities to exponential sales growth, cannabis businesses thrive in the Cultivera Marketplace, sometimes even overnight!
Over the last year, we’ve watched our network of clients continue to succeed and scale. The most exciting growth has been from those who’ve already begun utilizing their Cultivera Market web portal. This B2B order portal comes attached to Cultivera Pro accounts, and is built specifically for licensed cannabis operators to increase revenue.
Cultivera Market features include real-time menus and product availability, testing results, automated fulfillment, and simplified sales and inventory management.
The Cultivera Marketplace works so well by making it easy for brands to be found by buyers, for sales teams to streamline order inputting and fulfillment workflows, and for operators to make existing relationships stronger while expanding their sales network.
How to Promote Your Market Portal
Looking for inspiration on how to promote your marketplace to increase visibility, access, and traffic to your B2B menu?
Here are three ways some of the most successful operations promote their Market portal to existing and potential buyers:
Read on for details, and examples, of each method.
1. Creative Landing Pages
Some B2B vendors have built individual landing pages for retail buyers to connect directly to their Cultivera Market portal.
This simple, standalone page can increase the visibility of your web portal and allow potential buyers to come to you.
A great example can be seen over at Double Delicious.
“Our website has a retailer portal that redirects to the Market.” says Managing Director Micaela Wakefield.
This kind of landing page allows potential partners to more easily find and access your online sales portal, with or without help from your sales team. So your potential buyers can browse your menu at their own pace, and place orders any time of day.
Have a sales team that works on commissions? Not a problem! Users can be attached to individual accounts and orders. This feature is perfect for navigating sales relationships and commissions, so no one’s efforts get left behind.
2. Consistent Email Updates
Some of the most successful businesses on Cultivera Market send out regular updates to their customers by email.
Often, these emails feature the latest inventory and menu updates, along with any news, sales, and promotions going on. This keeps their sales connections up to date on everything they have to offer, while making it easy for buyers to find products and place orders.
“We send out an email update of our menu on a weekly basis that includes buttons directly to the Market.” –Micaela, Managing Director, Double Delicious
With reliable results, this method of consistent outreach allows potential buyers to easily see what’s new, what’s selling fast, and what’s almost gone.
Some of the best we’ve seen include Double Delicious, Gābriel, Freddy’s Fuego, and Sitka.
“We send out two menus a week that has a link to our Marketplace on it.” –Sam, Fulfillment Manager, Freddy’s Fuego
For another example, we love this creative banner set from the folks at Sitka, featuring illustrated steps:
Sitka also incorporates visual snapshots of their menu into their updates. This allows potential buyers to get a peak at the available stock without even having to click into the Market portal.
Now is the perfect time to get a few menu updates out to your regular clients and subscribers. Let them know what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s on sale for the next industry holiday.
3. Word Of Mouth
How much do you have to talk directly to your customers, buyers, and retail partners?
We’d guess a lot. That is great! There’s nothing like direct conversation to keep relationships strong.
But wouldn’t it be better to streamline that process wherever you can? Talk up your online portal!
By informing shops you’re already talking to that they can find you on Cultivera Market, you empower them to shop your products any time, day or night, 24/7!
The folks at Freddy’s Fuego emphasized how important word of mouth has been. “Whenever I speak to a shop I let them know that the Marketplace is the best way to get our product and to see our most up to date menu,” said their Fulfilment Manager, Sam.
This sentiment was echoed by a lot of folks in the Cultivera Pro family:

“We have asked most of our retailers to input orders here [on the Market]. It makes things more streamlined for us.” –Andrew Lee, Subdued Excitement
“A lot of our retailers find out about [our Market] by them saying, ‘Hey I want to control my inventory better,’ and us being like, ‘Oh, we have a solution for you, here’s this!’” -Andrew Kolberg, Northwest Cannabis Solutions
“I talk it up whenever the opportunity arises.” -Toni Jackson, Harmony Farms
“We definitely traffic a lot of people to the portal with email blasts and also using old school dial-for-dollars.” -Shawn, Sitka Gold
Don’t leave your B2B web portal’s visibility up to chance. Let your buyers know your available menu is available 24/7. All you have to do is tell them “We’re On The Market!”
Are You On Cultivera Market?
If your Cuiltivera Pro account is not already utilizing the Cultivera Market, no problem!
Since this vertically-integrated ordering platform is attached to all Cultivera Pro accounts, it only takes a few minutes to get started. Just schedule a quick call with our team at your convenience, and we’ll help you get set up.
If you’re not yet a Cultivear Pro client, or not sure if you want to be, no worries!
Book a demo to see how Cultivera Pro and Market deliver seamless traceability and compliance from seed-to-sale.