cultivera pro

Seed-to-Sale Traceability & Operations Management

Streamlined business management software for licensed cannabis Cultivators, Manufacturers, and Distributors, featuring automated workflows from seed to sale, for effortless compliance and beyond.

three people work on a giant screen running cultivera pro

Success From Seed to Sale

Streamlined Business Management Solution for Cultivation, Processing, Traceability, B2B Sales, and more.

hand truck with box and a checked-off form

Reliable Inventory Management

Track your product life cycle through acquisition, sales, or use processes — even across multiple locations. Includes batch tracking, pick-pack-deliver, extensive user and inventory audit, lab results and COA documents, and more. Allocate inventory automatically or manually; generate picklist, enhanced labels, and manifests to increase operational efficiency and improve your bottom line.

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Automated Workflows And Fulfillment

Intuitive workflows including tracking and reporting tools customized to simplify every aspect of a licensed cannabis business: manage your plants and inventory, automate labels and plant tags, generate manifests, invoices, and other documents, and fulfill and release orders, all without having to manually interact with your state traceability system.

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Robust Analytics, Reports, and Business Intelligence

Our clients have a full analytics suite at their disposal, featuring robust reports on inventory, production, sales, fulfillment and every other aspect of your operation. Gain valuable insights into your business and make informed, data-driven decisions with the automated reports we provide.

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One-Click Compliance Label and Document Automation

Save time by automating your label making process. You can generate labels for any order en masse with the click of a button — no manual entry required. All labels and plant tags are fully customizable to the client’s needs, including box labels, cover pages, optional test results, terpene profiles, and QR linked COAs.

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Manage Your
Sales Force

Maintain your cannabis relationships and easily track sales efforts and client interactions using delivery notes, inventory preferences, sales histories, and other insights for deeper understanding of your customers.
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cultivation icon with sprouts and sun

Easily Track Product
From Anywhere

Manage every plant, from seed to harvest, with our all-in-one Grow Module and Cannabis Relationship Manager. Track conditions, costs, harvest analytics, client information, and more. Manage thousands of plants and enrich your business intelligence.
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boxes on an assembly line

BOMs and Production Run

Take control of your manufacturing process” allocate specific batches for your manufacturing and extraction processes, creating product batches from ingredients/components, or splitting, converting, and tracking product, all in the same production run process. Create standards for manufacturing with reusable Bill of Materials (BOM) to ensure quality and consistency.

delivery truck with a package

Simplified Distribution

Get your product on shelves faster with streamlined intake, receiving, and outbound manifests; centralized purchase order and invoice generation; payment terms and fee tracking; full access control through the invitation and approval processes; and both stand-alone and state traceability system integration.
States Served


Active Users


Orders Processed


Sales Processed


cultivera characters planning

Start Simplifying Your Success Today

Ready to grow your business? Schedule a free demo at your convenience to learn how Cultivera Pro can optimize and scale your operation.


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Cultivera Pro
Cultivera Market
Cultivera POS

Q4 2024 Cultivera Market Report

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This year, Cultivera Market Reports are available for instant access, with no need to sign up!

Here are a few tips for newcomers:

  • Some menu links will only be visible to logged-in Cultivera Market users, as many vendors keep theirs private. 
    Click here to log in ahead of time.
  • When opening links, hold Ctrl while you click to open in a new tab to avoid having to use the back button.
  • Having trouble, or in a hurry? Click the floppy disk icon (💾) in the top right to download the pdf for later.
  • Don’t use Cultivera Market yet? Sign up for a demo to get started.
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