In this article we break down the five most useful updates that went live in Cultivera Pro and Cultivera Market over the new year. We’ll also explore the various reasons why these updates are significant to both Cultivera users and the i502 industry.
Five New Updates To Cultivera Pro + Market In Washington (& Why They Matter)
The Cultivera Pro and Market platforms in Washington have had some big updates this season!
As Cultivera continues to grow, and help our users grow along the way, we know it’s critical for our software to evolve with the needs of the industry. So over the last few months, our team has been hard at work building improvements the Cultivera Pro and Cultivera Market platforms.
As a result, the new year brought a host of new feature updates. Currently live across Washington, these updates are built to further streamline our already effective sales workflows. Included improvements offer to boost efficiency from seed to sale with improved functionality!
In addition, many have the added benefit of giving vendors more control over their Cultivera Market menu. In fact, our favorite updates offer vendors increased control over how they, and their retail partners, see and engage with their B2B menu portal.

Read on for details about the top five new updates to both Cultivera Market and Cultivera Pro, plus how they help cannabis businesses grow!
The Latest Updates To Cultivera Market

At Cultivera, our team is constantly striving to improve our services to meet the industry’s needs.
To this end, the following are just a few of the new updates Washington users may have already noticed in their Cultivera Market accounts.
These updates apply to all Washington Cultivera Market users, whether they use it by itself or with the streamlined automations of Cultivera Pro.
Cultivera users can learn more about these updates and more in the Cultivera Self Help Library, and of course reach out to Support with any questions!
1. Custom Listing & Product Order
Previously, all products and listings visible in the Cultivera Market portal were sorted automatically by alpha-numerical order. Unfortunately, this led to the need for vendors to carefully choose product names so that their preferred products stayed on top.
No longer! With this update, all Cultivera Market vendors can choose the specific order of Listings / Catalog Groups, as well as individual Products.
Ultimately, this means sellers are now able to easily rearrange Listings and Products into whatever order works best for their team. This update is just one of the many ways recent improvements give vendors more control over how their Cultivera Market menu appears.
2. Minimum & Maximum Order Limits
One of the most common requests from vendors in Cultivera Market has been the ability to have more control over requirements for incoming orders. With that in mind, we’re thrilled to share that vendors can now set minimum and maximum limitations for potential incoming sales orders through their Cultivera Market settings.
This now includes both Minimum Order Amounts set at the order level, so purchasers must place orders at or above a set dollar amount, as well as Minimum Order Quantities set at the product level, so Products must be purchased at or above a set quantity.
Vendors can also now set Market Increments/Case Quantities for individual Products, for any Products required to be ordered in increments of more than one at a time. For example, setting products to Case Quantity of five means purchasers can only order in increments of five, such as 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on.
We’re excited about this set of feature updates because each gives vendors more control over their ordering process! No more worries about incoming orders not reaching preferred requirements, bringing your workflow to a halt while you navigate the issue.
Together these much-requested updates give both Cultivera Pro and Cultivera Market vendors greater control over how purchasers engage with their B2B portal, and how orders come in!
3. Public Direct Market Link Sharing
Direct Market Menu Links are URLs that link directly to a Cultivera Market vendor’s live B2B portal. Including Direct Menu Links in emails and digital content is a great way for vendors to promote a Cultivera Market menu to existing retail partners.
On the other hand, when these links first launched access was limited to connected retail buyers only.
As a result, this meant that while vendors could use their link for promotion to existing partners, it wasn’t a useful way to direct potential new buyers to their menu.
In the latest update, this limitation is no longer present! Now, Washington Cultivera Market vendors can choose whether or not their menu is publicly visible to visitors they are not already connected to.
This is one of our favorite new updates! Not only does it give vendors a new way to promote their available inventory, it also offers control over who can see their B2B menu and how it appears!
How Public Share Options Work

To start, vendors can now make their menu visible publicly with improved options in their Settings. Selecting this new option means that vendors can share their live menu link with anyone, even if they don’t use Cultivera Market yet!
In addition to public menus, vendors can now also choose whether or not prices are visible publicly. This distinction allows sellers to keep their menu publicly visible while their pricing is limited to only connected retailers.
When ready to place orders, retailers just need to log in to an existing Cultivera Market account, or sign up for one here.
The Latest Updates To Cultivera Pro
Last on our list of featured updates are two new improvements in Cultivera Pro. The following are just a few of the changes Pro users in Washington may have already noticed in their account.

4. Cultivera Pro: Filters & Sorting Functions
Cultivera Pro offers seed-to-sale management of products, batches, business accounts, and more within the Pro platform. This means Cultivators, Processors, and Distributers can manage everything they need from seed to sale in one place.
But with so much data in one place, finding specific information can take a while, so our team made some improvements!
Now, users working within the Pro platform can filter and sort through specific Products, Batches, Accounts, and more, using keywords and filter options.
Users can also save their filter and sort options, for quick access again any time.
This updated functionality allows users to find, filter, sort through, and save information easier than ever, saving time and energy to get more done, faster.

5. Cultivera Pro Grow Module Dashboard
In the Cultivera Pro platform, the Grow Module allows licensed Cultivators to manage operations from seed to sale, no matter where they are. But with all that information, we know how useful it can be to see everything you need in one place!
To improve this workflow, recent updates added the new Cultivera Pro Grow Dashboard. This new dashboard attached to the Grow Module offers users critical, real-time cultivation information at a glance.
This additional section in Cultivera Pro allows users to see total plant numbers at various stages, overall and by Rooms or Strains, as well as stats for Grow Sources and Recent Harvests.
With this new Dashboard, users can track everything their Grow needs, all in one place.
Want to see more? Book a demonstration to see any of these updated features for yourself.
Existing Cultivera users can get more details on the latest updates in the Cultivera Self Help Library.
Learn More About Cultivera's Seed-To-Sale Business Solutions
Looking for seed-to-sale software with a B2B marketplace that will help your team get ahead of the competition?
Cultivera Pro + Market pairs the increased visibility and sales potential of Cultivera Market with the money-saving automations of Cultivera Pro. Together, this combination offers more reliable solutions, and success, from seed to sale.