Q4 2024 Cultivera Market Report Now Live

The Cultivera team is excited to announce the official release of the Cultivera Market Report for Washington for Q4, 2024! This quarter, for the first time, you don’t have to sign up to see the report! Get a look at the details below.

About The Cultivera Market Reports

Every quarter, our team releases a new Cultivera Market Quarterly Report for our home state of Washington.

Already the state’s most popular B2B marketplace for legal cannabis, our quarterly reports for Cultivera Market highlight trending products and top performing brands across the region. Insightful, in-depth, and unique in the industry, these seasonal reports offer a behind-the-scenes look at the growing Cultivera Marketplace, and Washington’s thriving i502 industry as a whole.

Data in the reports always includes sales statistics, brand leaderboards, product trends, new vendors, inventory insights, brand spotlights, and resources.

To allow for more context, we compare our Cultivera Market data against previous quarters, as well as publicly-sourced industry information.

For the first time, the report is available publicly, with no need to sign up.

Just click any “Open Report” button on this page for instant access.

What's In The Q4 Cultivera Market Report?

Our longest to date, the Q4 Cultivera Market Report for Washington features the quarterly i502 stats and insights readers have come to expect from the region’s most robust marketplace report, plus an additional year in review section for 2024.

As a result, the report is divided into five easy-to-read sections: AboutLeaderboardsInsights; Year In Review; and Resources.


🤔 In About, learn about Cultivera Market, the reports themselves, news, updates, and brands mentioned inside.

This section helps readers better understand how the reports work, as well as offers clickable pages of featured and top performing brand logos.

What is the Cultivera Market Report? Which brands are mentioned in the report? What kind of information is inside, and where can you find it?


🏆 Leaderboards features the most critical data points, from total sales and order numbers, to performance leaderboards and marketplace makeup.

Perhaps the most informative part of the report, these pages highlight the overall stats and top performers from the entire quarter, including B2B sellers, retailers, and products.

Which vendors are topping the charts in both sales and category market shares? Which retailers are placing the most orders? What brand new products are already getting the highest sales?


🔎 Insights takes a look at more detailed data sets, like the most popular sales days, package sizes, and strain names, plus regional saturation and year-over-year comparisons.

Which package sizes were most popular? Which day of the week saw the most orders placed? What were the highest selling strain names?

Offering the more interesting bits of data, this section offers unique insights from the Cultivera Marketplace that you can only find here.

Year In Review

Year In Review compiles sales data, trends, and analytics from the entire year into valuable charts and leaderboards.

Only included in the last report of each year, this additional section takes an overhead look at Cultivera Market data from the entire year, offering year-end sales stats, charts, and performance leaderboards.

How many orders were placed in Washington’s Cultivera Marketplace during 2024? Did NWCS hold on to their Top Vendor Sales spot? Which brand took the year’s #1 Product spot from the reigning champ?


🎓 Lastly, Resources includes our quarterly Question & Answer section, links, and guides to support Cultivera Market users, plus recent Brand Spotlights.

Where can readers find educational articles and guides about Cultivera Market and the cannabis industry? What is Cultivera Wholesale? How can readers contact Cultivera with questions?

This quarter, additional and updated resources include the latest “Club Cultivera” Spotlights, plus a Q&A about the new Cultivera Wholesale marketplace.

Get Washington's Q4 2024 Cultivera Market Report

Cultivera Market’s quarterly reports allow everyone in the industry to peek behind the scenes of one of the nation’s most vibrant legal cannabis supply chains.

Together the combination of data, insights, and clickable links offers a uniquely valuable look into the industry, highlighting the top performing brands, trends, and products from Washington’s legal cannabis marketplace.

This quarter, for the first time ever, the Cultivera Market Report is openly available to the public.

That means you don’t have to sign up for access!

Just click any Open Report button to access the Q4 Report now.

Note for new readers: Some links will only be visible to logged-in Cultivera Market users, as many vendors keep their menus private. Click here to log in ahead of time.

B2B Brands Included In Washington's Q4 Report

What Is Cultivera Market?

Cultivera Market is a streamlined B2B order portal built to increase revenue, featuring real-time menus and product availability, testing results, automated fulfillment, simplified sales, and inventory management.

Since launching in 2017, Cultivera Market has grown from a simple B2B system attached to the Cultivera Pro seed-to-sale platform, to a thriving marketplace that easily ranks as the most popular legal cannabis market in Washington state.

Over the years, businesses have started to notice how Cultivera Market makes it easy for cannabis operations to get connected with potential B2B partners in their state.

Retailer purchasers, click here to sign up for a free purchasing account and start shopping today.

“Who hasn’t told us about Cultivera!?"

From the sellers and dispensary purchasers who use Cultivera Market every day, to the retailers who sign on because so many growers and processors already use it.

Learn what businesses say about Cultivera Market on the blog, and click Book Demo below to sign up for a one-on-one demonstration and get a look at how the Cultivera Marketplace can help your business grow. 🌱

More Seed-to-Sale Solutions From Cultivera

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Q4 2024 Cultivera Market Report

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This year, Cultivera Market Reports are available for instant access, with no need to sign up!

Here are a few tips for newcomers:

  • Some menu links will only be visible to logged-in Cultivera Market users, as many vendors keep theirs private. 
    Click here to log in ahead of time.
  • When opening links, hold Ctrl while you click to open in a new tab to avoid having to use the back button.
  • Having trouble, or in a hurry? Click the floppy disk icon (💾) in the top right to download the pdf for later.
  • Don’t use Cultivera Market yet? Sign up for a demo to get started.


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