Explaining the Cultivera-Metrc Sync
Cultivera seed-to-sale automations make work simpler for licensed operators with built-in Metrc integrations like the “Metrc Sync“. This syncing process is critical to keeping Cultivera users Metrc-compliant at every step. As the network of states utilizing Metrc continues to grow, we know it’s important to understand your business’s software.
With the Metrc track-and-trace system officially coming to Oklahoma this month, understanding how Cultivera integrates with Metrc is more important than ever. While we’re currently assisting operators get ready with our automated Metrc onboarding process, we want to offer a few details on how we integrate with this critical regulatory traceability platform. In this article we break down how Cultivera syncs with Metrc, and how the sync process works.
Question: How Does Cultivera "Sync" with Metrc?
Answer: The Cultivera Ecosystem works by keeping data synced between Cultivera and Metrc at all times, making it easy to stay Metrc-compliant.
All licensed operators within Metrc state markets are responsible for staying on top of their track-and-trace reporting from seed to sale. Cultivera makes working with Metrc easier, such as our automated onboarding process during transitions.
But one of the most important ways we do this is with our automated, 2-way sync process.
The Cultivera-Metrc Sync Process
Here’s how the Cultivera-Metrc Sync process works:
- Automated Updates. Cultivera and Metrc communicate automatically.
Using automations wherever possible, Cultivera platforms communicate with Metrc (and other traceability systems), allowing operators to do less data entry overall. - Tracking Actions. All actions taken in Cultivera are sent to Metrc in real time.
Taking any actions in Cultivera that have a corresponding action in Metrc will be automatically be recorded and sent to Metrc in real time. However, this automation is not considered “syncing”. - Syncing Down. Any changes made in Metrc are synced to Cultivera on a timed schedule.
In the context of Metrc, “syncing” is the process of pulling data from Metrc into the Cultivera system, to verify that the data in Cultivera is “in sync” with the ultimate source of record, Metrc. This is done hourly, or on-demand any time with the click of a button. - Hourly Updates. Hourly syncs keep Cultivera updated on all Metrc actions.
Cultivera automatically syncs with Metrc every hour. This allows the system to consistently verify that the data in Cultivera matches Metrc. - Easy Button. Click to Sync any time to manually begin the process.
It’s easy to initiate the Metrc sync process manually, by clicking the white Sync button located at the top right corner of any page in Cultivera Pro. This instantly syncs Cultivera to the latest Metrc data, and can be done at any time.
Boiling it all down, this means that whenever data is entered into Metrc or Cultivera, both systems are updated using Cultivera’s automations: Data entered into Cultivera is sent to Metrc in real time, while data entered into Metrc syncs down to Cultivera every hour.
This bi-directional data synchronization is unique to the Cultivera software, allowing for the tracking and reporting of all relevant data for your state regulators for compliance at each stage of the process.
Don't Forget!
Here are things to remember about Metrc…
1. Metrc = Source of Record!
It’s critical to remember that Metrc is the legal source of record for any licensed cannabis business under its umbrella, meaning that ultimately the records in Metrc are most important for compliance. The syncing process allows Cultivera to make sure your data is in sync with this source of records. For more details about Metrc, check out our free resources below.

2. Metrc ≠ S2S Software
Another thing it’s important to remember is that Metrc is not inventory or business management software. You can learn more in our video and blog series on the difference between Seed-to-Sale Software and Traceability.
3. Metrc ≠ POS Software
Metrc does not offer any form of point-of-sale, inventory, or sales management. For more on what Metrc does and doesn’t do, check out Part Two of the Introduction to Metrc blog series.
Learn More About Metrc
If you live in a state that uses Metrc for their traceability needs, it’s critical to understand what Metrc is and how it works. To help out, we put together our resources to build introductory resources for cannabiz teams.
On the blog, we introduce the Metrc track-and-trace system:
- Part One: What It Is & Why It Matters
- Part Two: What It Isn’t & How We Make It Easy
- Part Three: Three Steps to Metrc Success
- Introduction To Metrc Traceability Tags
- Frequently Asked Questions About Metrc
In our free downloadable guide, we combine this information so you’ll learn what the Metrc software system is, why it matters to business operations across the country, and what it might mean to your cannabis enterprise.