What is Metrc?
Why Does it Matter?
Many US state cannabis regulation agencies utilize one particular track-and-trace software: Metrc. Over the last few years, the network of states utilizing this system for their local seed-to-sale traceability needs has continued to expand.
But what is Metrc, and how does it apply to your licensed cannabis operation?
If you live in one of the many states that use Metrc for their traceability needs, it’s critical to understand what the Metrc software system is, and how it works. So we’ve put together all of our informative resources to bring you this introductory guide to the most common cannabis track-and-trace software system in the country: Metrc.
In this free downloadable guide, you’ll learn what the Metrc software system is, why it matters to business operations from seed to sale, and what it might mean to your cannabis enterprise.
Recently updated, the guide also explores Metrc Tags, Cultivera-Metrc integrations, and frequently asked questions about Metrc!
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Get Your Free Metrc Guide
In this free downloadable pdf, you’ll learn what the Metrc software system is, why it matters to cannabis operations across the country, and what it might mean to your cannabis enterprise.
We’ll also explore the limitations of Metrc:
- What Metrc isn’t, and what the system doesn’t do;
- How third-party software systems integrate with Metrc to fill in the gaps; and,
- How Cultivera’s integrations make staying compliant simple.
The newly updated guide also introduces Metrc Tags, and answers frequently asked questions!

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What Is Metrc?
M.E.T.R.C. stands for Marijuana Enforcement Tracking Reporting Compliance.
Metrc is a track-and-trace platform utilized by multiple states across the US to aid in regulatory traceability compliance. The system is built to help state regulatory offices manage legal cannabis traceability information and reporting throughout the supply chain.
Because of this, if you live in a state that uses Metrc for their seed-to-sale track-and-trace needs, it’s critical to understand what the Metrc system is and how it works.
To help operators across the industry, we’ve put together our Metrc resources to bring you a complete guide to this common regulatory traceability system. In this free downloadable pdf, your team will learn what the Metrc software system is, why it matters to cannabis operations across the country, and what it might mean to your cannabis enterprise.